Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Here are some pastimes and their Spanish translations:
acampar = to camp
coleccionar = to collect
escalar montañas = to mountain climb
esquiar en el agua = to waterski
hacer alpinismo = to go hiking
hacer montañismo = to go mountaineering
navegar en tabla de vela = to windsurf
navegar por internet = to surf the internet
pescar en alta mar = to go deep sea fishing
pilotar una avioneta = to fly a single-engine plane
volar en planeador = to hang-glide
acampar = to camp
coleccionar = to collect
escalar montañas = to mountain climb
esquiar en el agua = to waterski
hacer alpinismo = to go hiking
hacer montañismo = to go mountaineering
navegar en tabla de vela = to windsurf
navegar por internet = to surf the internet
pescar en alta mar = to go deep sea fishing
pilotar una avioneta = to fly a single-engine plane
volar en planeador = to hang-glide